The Institute for Human Conceptual and Mental Development (IHCMD) has developed a free public service website, Mental Problems / Problems of the Mind (, to deal with mental problems, improve mental conditions and states of mind. The objective of the website is to de-stigmatize mental problems and demystify the mind, mental existence and mental development through active individual mental engagement, individual mental work and effort understanding and managing the mind and mental existence from the inside. The purpose of the website is to help, guide and direct the individual to deal with mental problems and difficulties, understand and manage the mind and mental existence, establish and maintain the necessary internal mental conditions, establish clarity of mind and understanding from the inside.
The website provides a different approach, view and understanding of dealing with mental problems, the mind and mental existence that go beyond the traditional approach of psychology and psychiatry. The approach goes beyond the traditional approach of treatment from the outside by experts and specialists, psychologists and psychiatrists, through psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and psychiatric medication. Instead, it involves individually understanding and managing the mind and mental existence from the inside through active individual mental engagement, individual mental work and effort. The approach goes beyond instant relief and treatment of symptoms and consequences to address deeper-rooted causes and developments, changing what we do in the mind and mental existence, mental behaviour and actions. It involves dealing with mental conditions, demands and challenges, mental problems and difficulties when only a minimum in mental work, effort and adjustment are required and before they develop into larger mental problems requiring outside help, treatment by experts and specialists. The approach consists of understanding and managing the role and responsibility in the mind and mental existence that by nature are individually ours to understand and manage.
The website provides information and resources to deal with mental problems and difficulties, improve mental conditions and states of mind, mental performance, mental behaviour and actions, mental work and effort, mental effectiveness, efficiency and confidence through active individual mental engagement understanding and managing the mind and mental existence from the inside. Mental problems – mental disorder and instability, doubt and confusion, uncertainty and insecurity, feelings of worry, fear, stress, anxiety, frustration and depression – are discussed in terms of individual experiences and feelings of them, the nature and causes behind them, the results and consequences of them, and the answers and solutions to them. Mental problems are dealt with through a set of different but related steps, exercises and practices: considering and dealing with daily mental problems and difficulties; considering past mental problems; and establishing a clear picture and understanding of the mind and mental existence – nature, conditions, needs, demands and challenges, our role and responsibility in them.
Improving mental conditions and states of mind, mental performance, mental behaviour and action, mental work and effort, mental effectiveness, efficiency and confidence are discussed in terms of daily managing the mind and mental existence, making understanding and managing mental problems, the mind and mental existence part of daily life, daily work and effort. Dealing with mental conditions, needs, demands, challenges and difficulties before they develop into larger problems and crises. Establishing and maintaining the necessary internal mental conditions in everything we do and we engage in, before engaging and dealing with external conditions, with each other and the world around us. Considering and making sense of what enters the mind and awareness – experience, perceptions, sensations, feelings, thoughts and ideas, the conditions that lie behind them and how to deal with them. Developing, exercising and practicing the natural mental potential, individual natural mental powers and abilities, necessary mental skills and practices and engaging in the required mental work and effort.
Engaging in a process of continuous, life-long conceptual and mental self-development and growth. Constantly reconsidering, updating, correcting, changing and improving individual understanding, mental powers and abilities, mental skills and practices, mental behaviour and action, mental work and effort in light of change and changing conditions. Reconsidering, updating, correcting, changing and improving whenever necessary and required the understanding, the mental powers and abilities, mental skills and practice, mental behaviour and action, mental work and effort we develop, on which we rely, how we develop and use them. Reconsidering, updating, correcting, changing and improving the choices and decisions we make and how we make them, the aims, goals and objectives we pursue and how we define them, the behaviour and actions in which we engage and how we plan, organize and manage them.
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